Friday 3 January 2014


My first blog post of 2014 is gonna be such a ≈cliché≈ because it's about my new years resolutions.

This year, I really need to save my money because I plan to go back to college in September. My goal is to save up enough for my first year (1st and 2nd semester).

For me to save as much money by the end of summer, I'm going to cut back my spending. I will be cutting back on my online shopping, well, I actually plan to not online shop at all because most of the time when I buy stuff online I don't need them and it's just a waste. I'm also going to cut back on how much I spend at work. I work at a thrift store and I get 50% off most things, even though when I do buy stuff at work my total comes to the price of a lunch, not even, it does add up and the majority of the time I buy clothes and stuff I don't need that just ends up sitting in my room.


As how typical this resolution is, I'm really motivated to lose weight and get back on track with my weight loss. I already lost about 40lbs back in 2012, and since then, my weight has stayed the same. I still have 60+lbs to lose to reach my ideal/possible weight goal. 

Since I cancelled my gym membership a few months ago, I will be exercising at home using weights and workout dvd's that make me look like an idiot, whatever, they make me sweat and burn fat which I get to do in the comfort of my basement where nobody can see. Once winter is over, I plan to walk more and go for hikes, as well as walking home from work. I enjoy walking because I get to listen to music that keeps me motivated and keeps me moving, and also get to have alone time with my thoughts.

Another part of losing weight is diet, which I plan to do. I'm not going on a fad diet, I'm simply just going to eat healthier and less. I'm going to try really hard to not eat unhealthy food that is filled with extra calories, fat, sodium, and sugar. I'm going to eat less, and by less, I mean I won't overeat during a meal because that is one of my problems, overeating. With that, I'm going to try and stop eating no later than 9pm. Lastly, I'm going to drink more water and tea because they are both calorie free and can fill me because most times when you're hungry you're actually just thirsty so drinking a glass of water before eating will help reduce food intake.


I want to read more this year. Since I work at a thrift store, I've purchased so many books that I want to read that have yet to read. Besides from books, I have so many comics that I need to read as well. With the few series of comics I bought (The New 52), I want to buy the remaining comics I don't have to complete the series. Since I'm saving my money, buying each comic individually will add up and cost a lot, so a cheaper way to get the comics is to buy the volumes, they are more convenient since they have a couple comics in one book instead of just having one individual comic.


This resolution is a more personal one since it's about my friendships. Basically, what I want to do is put more effort into hanging out with friends I barely get to see/hangout with. Instead of me waiting, I'll be the first one to make the effort and talk to them first and try to make plans instead of me waiting for them. With this, whoever doesn't seem to care, or even try to put in any effort with our friendship, I'm just not going to try after like two or three tries because it's a waste of my time and I'll just be making an idiot of myself. I'll just leave it up to the person to get back to me if they want to, and on their own terms because if they do care they will eventually message me and want to hangout. Right? Whatever. Overall I need to stop trying with people that don't seem to care about me or our relationship.


I want to start travelling, either by plane, bus, or car. I want to travel. Right now, I really want to go back New York City. I haven't been to NYC since December 2006 and so much has changed in that city since then. When I go I want to take pictures of the buildings, skylines, the scenery, basically I wanna capture all of NYC and since I got a DSLR camera for Christmas, I'd have a good reason to use it. Besides from wanting to go back to NYC, I want to go to Las Vegas. Why? Britney Spears. I want to go see her Piece Of Me show and explore Vegas doing all that touristy stuff and just take a lot of pictures.

Since I'm saving my money for school, I thought it was going to be really hard to save for Vegas and school, but thanks to Tumblr, I found out about this website (student universe) that has super discounted prices on flights and hotels for students that want to travel but really can't because of school.


I'll keep this one short and simple. I want a tattoo. I'm tired of waiting and procrastinating.


Now that I have a DSLR camera, I can finally practice and get better at photography. I also want to experiment with different styles and techniques of photography. By the end of 2014, I want to have produced a portfolio with many photographs with a variety of different styles and techniques.


I want to blog more here, instead of tumblr. Tumblr to me isn't authentic blogging, y'know what I mean? Tumblr is a popularity contest with likes and reblogs on selfies and stupid shit like that filled with cliques and other stuck up assholes. Blogger is for people who want to blog and I want to blog, even though nobody reads my blog nor gives shit about it. Whatever. It gives me something to do.

I want to have a few posts a month, just so my blog can be kept updated and "relevant", aha, my blog is the opposite of relevant. Anyways, I want to get better at blogging. What I mean by that is to be more descriptive in my posts, have more of my own photography/graphic designs in each post, and I also want to work on my layout to make it more appealing and less boring.

≈ OMGDZ 2014 PLZ B GUUD 2 ME ≈

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